Kerala Puttu Recipe – How To Make Soft Rice Flour Puttu (2024)

Kerala Puttu Recipe – How To Make Soft Rice Flour Puttu (1)

Rice Puttu - Kadala Curry is the most popular, worldwide known breakfast dish of Kerala. We call it as Kola Puttu ( Kuzhal Pittu) in Tamil. I have tasted this only once in Trivandrum(Thiruvananthapuram) in a small hotel and that too before my marriage. After that, I never got a chance to try that. I always have a fascination towards Kerala recipes.So I keep trying one or the other recipes at home. Last week, we watched a cookery show in which the chef showed how to make Kerala Puttu with Kadala curry. Sendhil told me to try it as its a healthy choice for breakfast.

I have already tried & posted different types of puttu recipes like Ragi Puttu, Kambu puttu and sweet puttu using idli pot learning from my MIL. So this time I wanted to make Kerala Puttu in an authentic way using Puttu maker as shown in the TV show. On the same day, we bought a puttu kudum ( Puttu kutti in Malayalam) and Instant Puttu rice flour mix ( puttu podi) from a nearby shop. I watched few YouTube video and browsed through some websites to get some tips on how to make super soft puttu recipe. I got one perfect recipe from HERE. I tried it for our Sunday breakfast and it was tasting great. Even though its my first attempt, I was very happy with the result. Sendhil loved it a lot and gave a big thumbs up.

Making Puttu and Kadala curry is not so difficult and tricky as I thought. Anyone can make it easily if you follow the steps with care and patience. You can try this puttu without a puttu maker and by using homemade puttu flour too. I have shared those points in Notes section. Friends, do try this Kerala special breakfast dish – Puttu, Kadala curry at home and enjoy with your family. You can serve it with Kadala curry, Papadam Or just mix it with some sugar, ghee and banana. It tastes great !!I

will post

have postedKadala curry recipe in this link. Now lets see how to make soft puttu using instant puttu podi.

Here is a picture of Puttu maker/ Puttu kudum/ Puttu kutti

Kerala Puttu Recipe – How To Make Soft Rice Flour Puttu (2)

Kerala Puttu Recipe – How To Make Soft Rice Flour Puttu (3)

Kerala Puttu Recipe

Kerala Puttu Recipe – How To Make Soft Rice Flour Puttu (4) How to make Kerala Puttu recipe - Soft Puttu using Instant Rice Flour

Cuisine: Kerala

Category: Breakfast Recipes

Serves: 3

Prep time: 10 Minutes

Cook time: 10 Minutes

Total time: 20 Minutes


1 cup - 250ml
  • Instant Puttu flour - 1 cup ( I used Double Horse brand white puttu podi)
  • Fresh grated coconut – 3/4 cup + 2 tbsp
  • Salt - as needed
  • Hot water - as needed
  • Puttu maker - refer the above picture
For serving :
Kadala curry OR Sugar, ghee and cardamom powder


  • In a wide plate, take the puttu flour. No need to sieve the flour. Add salt and mix well.

Kerala Puttu Recipe – How To Make Soft Rice Flour Puttu (5)

  • Heat 1 cup of water in a bowl till water starts to bubble. No need to roll boil the water.

Kerala Puttu Recipe – How To Make Soft Rice Flour Puttu (6)

  • Sprinkle this water little by little and mix the rice flour with a wooden ladle. There would be lumps in the flour. No issues. After all the puttu flour turns slightly moist, stop adding the water. Make sure you don’t see any dry flour. When the mixture becomes warm, use your finger tips and break the lumps roughly. Do it lightly. Do not apply pressure.

Kerala Puttu Recipe – How To Make Soft Rice Flour Puttu (7)

  • Take a handful of flour and press it between your fist, it should hold its shape. When you press the flour with your thumb finger a little harder, it should crumble. This is the right consistency. Do not make the flour too wet or too dry. This consistency is more important to get a soft puttu.

Kerala Puttu Recipe – How To Make Soft Rice Flour Puttu (8)

  • Now add 2 tbsp of freshly grated coconut to the rice flour. Mix well. In a medium sized mixie jar, take a handful of puttu flour and pulse it once or twice ( Pulse for just 2 seconds) and grind it to remove the lumps. You should grind the puttu flour only in batches. DO NOT grind all the flour together. It will become sticky with full of lumps. We need fluffy, feathery soft flour after grinding. So do it only in batches. You may need to grind 3-4 times. Collect all the ground flour in a wide bowl.

Kerala Puttu Recipe – How To Make Soft Rice Flour Puttu (9)

Kerala Puttu Recipe – How To Make Soft Rice Flour Puttu (10)

  • Again check the consistency of flour by holding it in your fist as mentioned in the previous step.Now your puttu flour is ready to steam.

Kerala Puttu Recipe – How To Make Soft Rice Flour Puttu (11)

  • In the bottom of puttu maker i.e Puttu kudum, add 3 cups of water and let it roll boil. In the mean time, take the long cylindrical puttu kutti and put the perforated steel disc on the bottom of the cylinder. First layer it with 2 tbsp of grated coconut and above that add a handful of puttu flour. Do not press the flour. Put it loosely. Repeat this till the rim of Puttu kutti. Finish it with coconut layer. Close the puttu maker with the lid.

Kerala Puttu Recipe – How To Make Soft Rice Flour Puttu (12)

Kerala Puttu Recipe – How To Make Soft Rice Flour Puttu (13)

  • Place it over the boiling water. Place it lightly else it will become difficult to remove the cylinder after steaming. So place it gently but securely.

Kerala Puttu Recipe – How To Make Soft Rice Flour Puttu (14)

  • Let the Puttu cook for 5 minutes in high flame ( Do not cook the puttu for more time because it will become dry if you over cook). After the steam starts to come out from the lid holes vigorously with a nice smell of cooked puttu, switch off the flame and let it rest for 2 minutes. Then remove the rod shaped puttu kutti ( careful) and place it in a plate. Use the steel rod and push the bottom of puttu maker. Puttu will come off easily with the perforated disc. Remove the disc and enjoy the puttu with kadala curry OR simply mix the puttu with sugar, cardamom powder and ghee.

Kerala Puttu Recipe – How To Make Soft Rice Flour Puttu (15)

Enjoy !


  • Addition of hot water and grinding the puttu flour in mixie helps to give soft puttu. If you want to follow the authentic method, just use the plain water and mix till right consistency. Sieve the flour in a puttu sieve if having or just break the lumps using your hands.Proceed for steaming.
  • If you don’t own a puttu maker, just fill the grated coconut & puttu flour in layers inside a small tumbler and steam in idli pot for 5-7 minutes OR you can just spread a layer of coconut in all the idli plates and place a layer of puttu flour above it. Steam it for 5 minutes and remove.It resembles idli shaped puttu.
  • You can also use an empty coconut shell for steaming puttu.
  • If you don’t like to use store bought puttu flour, you can make it at home. For this, soak raw rice in water for 2 hours. Dry in a shade over the white cloth for 5 minutes. Grind it to a slightly coarse powder and dry roast the flour till it starts to leave vapour.Remove the flour and let it cool down. Then use it for making puttu.
  • Do not cook the puttu for long time. It will give you dry, hard puttu.
  • Adding grated coconut in between layers gives softness and better taste to the puttu. If you don’t want to use more coconut, just skip this step.
  • You can also use processed store bought rice flour i.e Idiyappam flour.

Kerala Puttu Recipe – How To Make Soft Rice Flour Puttu (16)

Puttu, Kadala Curry OR mix with sugar, ghee and banana – Enjoy Kerala style breakfast at home !

Kerala Puttu Recipe – How To Make Soft Rice Flour Puttu (17)

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Kerala Puttu Recipe – How To Make Soft Rice Flour Puttu (2024)


Why is my puttu hard? ›

While making a mixture for puttu, the amount of water plays a very important role. You must add water slowly instead of pouring it all at once. The texture of the mixture must be crumbly without any sign of lumps. You can check the same by taking the mixture between your palms.

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Farm Rich provides a Puttu podi is a traditional dish which is exclusive to the palette of south indian cuisine. It is a thin rice flour made of finely ground rice.

What is the main ingredient of the food puttu? ›

Puttu principally consists of coarsely ground rice, grated coconut, little salt and water. It is often spiced with cumin, but may have other spices.

Why is puttu not soft? ›

While making a mixture for puttu, make sure not to add excess water. You must add water in batches instead of pouring it all at once. This will help you get the right texture to make softer puttu.

Why do you soak rice flour? ›

Soaking rice for 50 min or more therefore produces rice flour that is much finer than the dry- and wet jet-milled rice flours (Shoji et al., 2012), and moreover has an extremely low starch damage rate.

What to do if puttu is dry? ›

If at all you feel the podi is a bit dry, just add half a handful of cooked rice and run again.... no water is needed again. If you do not own a puttu maker or puttu kutti or this mould, you can make it with the shell of a coconut or you can make in idli thattu.

What is puttu called in English? ›

Puttu or steamed rice cake is a typically dish of Kerala. This is a typically breakfast preparation, served on banana leaf , along with vegetarian or non-vegetarian curry.

What is the best combination for puttu? ›

Puttu made of rice flour and grated coconut is a famous South Indian food, because of its earthiness and simplicity. Often local prefer to have puttu with a banana, or else with the famous Kadala Curry (Black Chickpea Curry).

Which is the best puttu podi in Kerala? ›

Ajmi Puttu Podi

Ajmi is renowned for its Steam Made Puttu Podi which is the highest selling Puttu Podi in all of Kerala. We are the first in the country to introduce steam made puttu podi in the market. This special technology gives our product its distinct quality characteristics.

Is puttu made from rice flour? ›

Puttu is made with rice flour and steamed in a funnel like utensil till cooked.In Kerala puttu is usually served with kadala curry or cooked green gram known as payaru. It is also served with banana, sugar, ghee & papadum which is a perfect combination.

What is Kerala puttu made of? ›

While the principal ingredients of a Kerala Puttu are ground rice/puttu flour, coconut, salt and water. But there some other variations as well, example the Sri Lankan Puttu uses red rice flour or wheat flour.

Is Kerala puttu healthy? ›

Kerala's breakfast favourite puttu which is cooked in steam is considered one of the healthiest Indian dishes to start your day with.

Is puttu healthy or not? ›

Red Puttu Rice is known for its nutritional richness. It is a good source of dietary fiber, essential minerals such as iron and magnesium, and vitamins like vitamin B6.

Can we mix rice flour and milk? ›

Rice flour contains properties that can help exfoliate the skin and weaken hair follicles over time, leading to reduced hair growth. Here's how you can use rice flour to reduce facial hair: Rice flour and milk mask: Mix 2 tablespoons of rice flour with enough milk to form a thick paste.

Is rice puttu good for health? ›

Promotes Heart Health: The antioxidants and fiber present in red puttu rice are beneficial for heart health. They can help reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases by lowering blood pressure, improving cholesterol levels, and reducing inflammation.

How do you make rice flour rise? ›

Remember that rice flour does not rise as well as gluten-containing flours, so you may need to add extra leavening agents or use a smaller pan size. When baking yeast breads using rice flour, add a little vinegar or ascorbic acid to help it rise – use 1 teaspoon vinegar per 4 cups flour or ¼ teaspoon ascorbic acid.

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