Louisiana State Gazette from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)

At ilts'i'1. HAVANA. r' tirt ft, tut' i. uf LOUISIANA GAZETTE. UNION I tn acquisition of the Canada- etu i.

the same nerat reasot; which loisde perfectly indifferent possession of have territory enough, and tospaie. 5 PI I.I it V.ijf i. i a half nl.ic"a of the United tz of tlie same description, enteriuj' Jie port" aiU ttate Iroia the port of nd dominions are nt.t subject; kia Majes'y. by rirtne of the power vested in Lim by tbe said latt recited act, and with advice of i.is Privy CoiiDi iI, is pleased to order, and it is hereby ordered, that from and after tae NEW-ORLEVS. 1.

in Levi G-de, mi iter will lail on So morning, mst, pi.siio.i-. or I. eijft.t of 'in- i ll pusut aj.ply i. hoard jiui.ie 1'ollhiMc-S rt-ri, oi In On t.ii.l'.l.rtr K. I.

Vn. FU'i (illlKA'iAil. Fri.Iav. October 21, 123. wil! on lien i tt.

Oct the water is t.H. 1 e.r' will bt tnintpnn-'! ar. snd thr n.lo:.l will Sioppingi-rt w.th the py'--rs on l.e:,i.i. or j.wg.', to the cp'aia on bord, or to I Tlie iit nrr rci! ar.l ci; fttti nf tt fiX v'" date cf u. orderthere shall be ci.arrcu all vesicia o' ll-e United State which shall enter any of the ports of his Majesty's possessions in America, or th West Indies.

Wc i 'he "ia.il between this and on her pi- Norici: ti ednesdav 'a siaje hence for thnt place. rith articles of therrowth. rroducUou.or cosiMt" mi i ri.n. Ull.n. I isviile, on the int.

IjSwrcm Li ait, Epiire, aed ahodt years. Mi. f. wm a native Lexington. Kentucky cameto e- rleaus he lastwin-tcr, and had permanently fixed his residence here with the intention of pursuing the practice of the law.

About the middle of Aupist he left this on a visit to his native town, but ere he reached there, disease the mouth of ir-it :1 i lll'i'-s frt-t thin TtVO( iTkHVet havii- If i-thin's ff hrr reaiiy ty go un lm.tr!, iu-t- uuti lit; uttsh. i'o. hr.t,Kr UhU. Mhccoa or Itiv U.t-re lit tain Mo iii bi'itrti. cr (o mamifartiire i.f the said states, a duty of fo-ir shilling anJ three pence sterling for each and every in burthen of such vessels, equal (as nearly as may be) to ninety-four cents of the inonev of the United Mates.

1 1. ''Ir' U'e of n. a.j.emir nod being the difference between the ton- it -1. lt 1 lied V.WV.S FISKK. 11 eT i fsvuliiiz from $an! ftW 1 rtl vs iron 2 Hl-I I.

.1 i.KxN CfiTsiBir of Goods I s'ep rlnrian. cp. 1'srkari, frem Xew-Ywk. ire i i. -d st the loot of the market.

ct NEW NOVET3. kc. kc. TKt lVAI. hi 'be "Vsle-ins snd U.

7V Syrtre Fc nr of a Kr 'Jom-n-e, i-i Vols. 1 S-t of r-, in-ph te i bosr's Do. ef rr' Card sand Vol-, ALSO, A new tment ot ime-cs 'i Srrs. Knd P'-. HslU, Frencl.

nd Aineriesn Plsie ars. ete. etff. cte. Jitst received imt I s'e hv itritish vessels cntcrinc any of 't Stirdii-iiin is 7.0 Jinn.

ir.e ciher i 'a tlH- is sTaiitkih amt last dpt. I. sail if I -4 ii tlrpa. I I hr alien e'est ih vi ih. 2i ii'iir 1 i 1 5' rii t''" r.n of K.

St. John. The rrr nJ pn-jrers. 11. ic-ober, were t-Wm off her Mi -m i the retain of hoi.er and bro't St.

John. 1 mail was rPre'v des'mved. the letters were resc.ted -n-Rl-t '0! fire dried, and yrstcreay ot c'loo-fr V.l-Inu. h.t we nadersti.nl ra-'-wl and back into the rr.vut That wnufi i.itellt ial despot and the a as, n. km? since challenged to produce any it lioris'iisr "'-rfjifx-nl latt-r to ti.e public, as had laiipeti.

but f.iiM ijot do it. t'." ribV.rr d.mt.l-leJr "'''i. before the p.iMir, r.s i r-ins. 'an be found in Fbfi.lt to insult Oenorai aiso. ''vr the Oeneral if contrary, tii? Thomas w.is neither l.ieiit'i'i.

i uoraii.idcd to by ELECTOK. t(4in lc ii 1. 1 mi i ht wx to Lie LMtiiMtii in uonrsl, or la PLi I'M II. i LAVt.Vir KA Oct 24 KN.l. T.

fastened upon him, and ufter an illness of alioiit davs, death closed his rartb'y career. Rut y- rdajr, and our friend was in the ini'lst of us. Having fixed his destiny here, he hj 1 becooe enlisted in te interests, and the pri-p. rty of his recently adopted home. If virtue and integrity could have ensured confidence it" urbanity of manners, and iisi-bflity ii" feeling could have made him fr iends if a min i Messed by nat tre, cultivated with iudtistry, and wanned and cherished with the spirit of generous ambition, could have raised to eminence, wi.o i- gone woii'd havve been trus veil.a'id I onoiiri-l among us.

Oil his departure, and gla.ikonie was his heart at thu ai.t'cii;1i(i meeiinr with his r-'atives and frien.ls from whom he hail been separated. In be approached the sp. of iiis earliest and fondest ass.fcutioi the hoijie of his Oa 11 von vera rni'z. sa. o.

7-v LAc I0B1 'J'hr scir. CIKYS 1 1 1 i isKsn CS enperia! Tea IV in cty t- do do tlj xcs Ilh. ca. AS It cat V.es;-.mf.T.i!tr It: boxes 2ih. canister bi l(l halfch.

its eo d.v la nihng frem in and for at- br on c.it.HF.HT Co H. will iYpit on the ihl (0sT.ri Capt. A. Un' tf3 ip el lis. or ni'vie-p.

an-1 il.ataUl. K.H- II I Iv the c.iplaui mi I.imi' ii tlie U. States, root nv ports his dominions in America and the est Indies above eiiuineraieJ, and further an addition of ten per cent iij the duties set for in table abfve. referred to. nn any of the articles ti.eirein enuineratetl, whici.

tnav be i-ted in any such vessel of the said states, such duties to be levied, collected, and applied in the same manner, and to the same pnrpoM-s, as the duties levied under the authority of the act the third Tear of his Majesty's ai.d the Lords Commissioner of his Majesty's Treasury arc to ive th uccessary directions herein accordingly. JAMES RI LLEK. The article is of so inuih importance to the commercial world, that it might to have obtained an earlier insertion in the public rints. Ijindoti Su iiv.Xi Frnm F'ayrxl. rw Yok, Oct.C Capt.

Kidder, this port, days fnun I aval, informs Ilia the government of the Western Islands had acceded vry reluctantly to the recent in Port igaJ, the oiV.ci rs and iuha- itants of the Islands hc.iig aha itoaui-mously in favor of the -onaitutional s)S- street or lo -t ui'powie Lt sciaiiC-. -iasjk .1. K.JOLl.Y. 1 11 'lit Sl ton SO b'jl. I.iat suitar Vine'' 77; re i-illnm si'i-rin od h-niu.

"sail itaavr'ioit, (Mivir.e most oi Rer o.rn en-I AlSll 1,. UO a i.K. lie b-h in linaytiati.ii the i nrr losiea sperm caudles arms of i'rriifa! tmistntebed to sale hv hun-t' enlivened c.u.te. I On t.n.RFKT KT SSfJ.T. n.M-e of him with aj K.C-HA-N(ji ip'igt' (aged, will meet weh in.ni.

ate fnr 'anur, Hnm.tf' Ihe r. n.ain.ter ot eiiftit assai" n- 1.1 1 sci-mI 1 i. auk I rro.leiMt eel tit hoc atrf ui. 11 In J.e liia.u on IIh-im. "tVa.

i ai ib or to ji F.O KG F. V. I. I Tor sale firafi on lain. I.

a for 5( st apply to si r. n.tnf t. it. i.xr I For Sfilr 1 -y Suh-criher. Iaci.iuci; ca trk, tc ri Octt'aer J.

Itr 1 Ou ft! i tu; iiautf.i;. i tht jat si itihf tttuni-h KF.BKVV.i We teen favour, itb fii -t'( ir York pa vers, by cup'. P-irfcarJ Florin, to the f. ii.sta: per i ai we find very liule fctet; ii.tc!!i.r net ir. addition to wlrst was f.i'nisl.cd l.y the fil-brought up Mv vcnirer.

a yesterdsr in the Jverti-er. the treuersl complexion the new, t'loog' it is far satisfactory, there is slid rooi.i to hone toat Spa.n will surc-ed in her resistance ihe hateful and dcradine; policy of the Enri pe. A -T a- en in New-York, from GiSrUa' the 4 Sej.t. reeeived the arrived -M lim'm. which sn)-, all was iirl a id well on the 1st at V.

KOI AGI'. ftct -iiMsT. welcome. Put l.o-v charred how sad i.i reality was tlt Tin! au.ri.isb of who moo. ii t.es-.-j'.s ti'e lo's tlu have rhe s- Innl k'l lice that r.

i' around the place where be slevps, tell us H-hat nciy be our amul dcatmy ire tomorrow. rrTy. FORT JF (HjKlp w. At Ttrct at'er the r'vernor i.au in i i ears oi l. huriben 157 or bbli.

flu.r. i rent ihcated and in i-oe ph-'e order reeeie for Kuv ihe West lud.es, or Atlantic de Ian form, the trooj V-e, dispersed and iriprisuntl the iffc rs, at.l was said the 'vernor killed. The IdMtll Th7. Sntisrrii er "pits' all prriw a I to the ejt of th Isle Cierari Hhss. ii1-.

In call n.d srtt.e ih ir aeomnla aai.l ail ih tis- nv homa aai-i' a. i.i tsute are re.pi. alc! lo uate ihe.r atcuuu.a dnls autho.licaied h) a oi lot: IVaix ora V. ROL '(let: f.r-: Stales. to jacobs.

MFxncrtiw Co. No. 9, Who offfs tea sai.k. Ju'trcscinl liwrVvia' IS crates clrjaat sio. bulge, who was peculiarly obnoxious to the mountains, where re-' mained three days: thence be "-a- onipH-le et i Cut rit fiortnuM Kirs.

Oet 6 5t I i.s wee plentv fcu.ill, and at leat i mnA nl St MirhaCtS. TuiuLiers vim li Dili: I itu 'Mms the! five in the sf pre oe ifiui. i.ni i iK.ta'mshe.5 Line.) Bl'HJ ii iqJ accounts ived irom ran-e u.e our- i pmbarkod an isi 'i itinu to an Iv fit the release fi me ivuij' llw yndcKhris -----itt fr le other island. Thrr-e etdes from Lisbon, 15i lit nni U.ijrging, -2 1 0.0 Ki AViti5kfv ami Happing. proves incorrect.

mention is ma 01 ha iished the for their 1 -It a 1 1 -1. -s asasai TH llaB.l) Bv-i. aaVKM. liiaiiard K.iig, nast.T mis a. r.er nu.sy nx.si.i 5,, enfcaed all I will he theDukeof Angoule.i.c.

Having cou.n.en- iu defending the constitutional sys- ced boinbrdiup Cadiz. (em s. Michaels, uhere Another letter the same date says n.criCa by ti governor and in- MA I) snnl r-i r.kfllll il lLkft I S-hr. Primi. rs GaP.e-es, f'ni, for Vera C'rez.

1 KXIKKKII, Sthr. fr IVrt-aa-Priuee. ir i rW -Vcrk Cam exes 1 mill to jr. )v i I.i ra sp in r.tsks lira tea a I anchor (. It l-t kt I box nli .1 brxes til.

plates a cast i hox a' ra-kailo six 4 pscl a to llic, and Co 1 trucks 10 lly.l mi Co i IK ha's i. l- ai. KeeVr I Ik to fisl o. C-" ii in 1 lo Lee l' si -t VV nL ns a. id 50'l.

lM.ial.ev, ror -il tre is. ei" to nas'er en tioant. L-i. I-it'CeS hi si Krulucy arc n.TTojdh.HM 1 -iu-purioi I habitants witboen amis. VV I.

TI jr. Co are (Ui 7 0l A Ui.ubc Scrtsrmi.my 3o isoa fH fut tin C- iM 8 1 r. (it mast tr-in the rounds with us that we a of eta-1 what we hear witi. caution. 1 wilicl, (led from Uahia, Xike of Augonleme has bis hea.

p.irBt,0d I.nt ocKrano. I.a.i arrival at cii.c-i a. sue 0 aut; t. I oO Cotlt-c, The tPUitiit Port fil.r. from rt-sa- quarters lersat Pt.

Micl.aels.in a stmt at on viary Rn(J nude is kept up by sea and I cn(Jltl1 conuiliou, a- laV 7'i The est. lop litrrr Mii.s, r.j;ii. FXt 6 -hrtm. I-iWhIm M.rk Sc Cr I 0 i4 f. r' WAG ERE, as a ass a jrfsirs it lilarli span, carried unit in the action.

From South America. but citv is veil supplied with provisions for text 5. 2 rionths. Gen. r.s, wbo the Constitutional army in Grenada, ha turned traitor to the cause nmter it; I tti aV "TtTi ready to receive lren.l.t Tl.

10 A ibt'o i. 1. 1 u- 10 ii iu 1 ftnuit; .9 irioika 1 I) a el Ualc 1 f'o tnni apps.e i linnil T. bbla apnh-i to V. K.

it: I G. jv)li lO.NAtU, jr. AM 1 tlK Alii, Apply on board, or to for the al.uie plaeea. t-rf LLVJ: EILLSOFLXCRC On f. rr lab H'.

V05R0 V. KI.MI1. A. Co. Oct 13 KHY.NOLDr' and made a can.t to which.

Lit army I EosroN, Oct. 3. Tiie following infor- reftised ir concurrence. Gen. Kiego is matiou from Lima.

Kc. was by a (Jnurrin Out! I I FOK bl Ia)Ll? Trinity, Arkun.nu, M'hd liiwr inter- ii'tn ssto 'lewa'st 1 I lisat.dliT tk; co*kmr of hOYAI. FITS ifip i.rer, la-e Valt.11 ir I aTatT5, 01. V. tl.roMk'sHutl.

rtKee.t'W ft lr.Uliil.iM..!0lvi.ti..t AS cnstniilv tor w.e the e-el KF--to H-sjrrs. tsrnK I imrkagvs to VRilY of iltt. Lr. Ut'V, as als the i ebon i-b' ml '1 Iron to ct ihe fur.i.v. a.

sail e.u.liTKr ffilr. lac r-ons b. to Co iCc. neilJI niire.1 for v.idtate iii'UiHs, at MV.s having qu'CKly raised Simni passenger in the Panther, who left Callao troop. It is impossible to foresee the re- after Capt.

u-tiu, and came oa Kiilt. The Frenca arecertanly d.sappo.nl- bard the ship Jt Kio Janeiro. eJ, but tt.er? is i-o spirit in Spam. The "LIMA, June 1. "-Osraa.

I llf sV Vntrat cp man PKOm i.i Bonr.ii3.UK iK t.l hoses a ip it r. COM I hli-i ma.lri S'-s 10 tMtver iv a'l't 1 il I In Itil.b ear hen ware to '1 i a "Hee an. I 4 k- ci 5 It is iwie.ty 'J ell.lt 7'- I I k' lahrw itioa of tlie bvave llcti. i i hara ot I tr. i en IkisjsI the sloo-.

A lor aleby ii 'n. 1 1 1, R' yl-aT. T.ii farbfi, fnr thr p.ilmar ana a Pi'i ii, bum, Cat. nil Tai- hum r. ivinj ca- -0 tor t.c alio.e n'lofi, ami he ill i.uiiid.aiel.

i' -h treijih' er ap; li lo captain at o'- I'll (1, or to I'rtrl'ift. liitu'J rd E-jbaon Octl ti nt, .1 Fri" 1 ns 2. 'm rs m-'i i i Mi -c at. country is distracted by -iil contention. "The whole force of tlie Spaniards is r.

n-II is said that England i.as renewed an ih'i't cent rated at anxa, and amounts to Tn.in to become the me Jiainr. My opmiuu and ltruij cavalry, under Rallies that peace wil1 soon fanterac. The accoiiuts ol'jester- day stale the fiirmer tu Lave resumed ins CoTl'QPrClil'v l.lipoi'toint. inarch back to tlie coast, whicn had been i left wliollv iui rotccted. Wc 5-jv" cno politely favored by a gen- ra'ing expedition to the inter-Csnui ith the following com- meliate parts, loco sailed I ci.ee May -M, I F.fce 0i4 li.ritaoiiii.lo.t sua kK (R.

i :n.n I.f to CP in XV Co I i i i b' ..1 If I a i titoiLv I r- hats p'pea I rsi huxes I. I 'Jloo i an I eat" m. It. I ri" i r.j I t-'JA CVC. Va.tiK,tf lfibuf S.pwa- aim rs are now recciv.n per hr'ifi hr.p.-, Ir tl.iireiatti and la ij.a and oft.

I sale, utr u'ltrriard Mco tsatr I SO ct.l nails, auortr.l sixes tn.1 xn.a.l teimon. sair ea as Ct.i--.r.Jrk tvmtn Tosw tiierci i icom-ui. twenty-uie is conn sed ot under the command of (jt neral ST.ll: of I I Ural J'i'h-ial I'lutrirt Court. Tint. ia o.dered the t-iM va.

I thvt a mse.in.: O' ih- i- Hit creditor Ink pta. at uc oflce ti II. e. noiarj pi.bl on Sal ihe 'Jl da of XusawiLer next, a. 1 Ih si ere to tse into conid i-i-i it.

if.ot. in ihe m- an whiie v. it i ii p- on an -late rv avv'd .1 i t'trtiier ordere 1 th V. itsaoeirted to repreari.t the 3H) u.iv. a soap, tlaKe .1 ut.on -e.

tet la I part ch i ior.g 9 de el H.Qiisi li'iitler i le car; if'rirl fie teg B'Una itnup SntaCruz, more, from Chili, are to loin them, and botii divisions ill arrive a-botit the same time at their places of Jt)M5 LOIS'- t.rtDF.U IX At tlw: Co irt at 1 1' use, the ilst of J3-2J- Present the Kind's ilu't Lxc lent Maiesty ia Cutibr.il. Whereas by an act, passed in the thirl Tear of bis Maiesty's reign, intitoled "An No. si uox sperm em'lt la packages n.on cloatt.isj suitable l. tl apl mon 't 1. line common Onllie arrival cf Koiivar, Lo iriv evt Ort.

CO V.AIXOIBU. lea A LI r.Vr.DF.S ADFU'!" I'. I'eniio i ea.a.S i Viper or, Si rf i from Si. I a lie. tu Kli' a l-sl li.vu- I I.

"0 tivs l.istti.Ht i on l-xd lblala sn.l 5 k.f 1 ni a rr. Ma lei, il Ui.i'-.- Ik VV.nn, Mr Lav.ll.-, Mr uil 4 de. -seugers. TP Ton TlilS Pf.RT, Sloop Jibet, at Nw I ondoe, lh 1 Sej-f. Ship P.

Davit, sail on the I'llh act torenifale iraue oeineen ins arnnes hrogai.a, and aiiuei Mi Grass SukWr Prfttrc- zm rr KVH.Y ovd Tl OctCt Hi. nville-ilreit. i ii tiJiJiflikt i abaei.l crt Ilvsier ot bun. Joh't Lewis, aiid'cial. VltltlE, Ciei'k'a i-Sce, Pit.

It. Tn nrpr psrt et he No. 0, nrsr Cai.a -nr. et. p'rarjji'n cai he given tinr.sa; ii.

mu.Y rr.AIlK. Ron et AS f. it tin ol thr a'op t. I'r ee, i in.isiui ih Iltl I. ma rweeos re it I 1 wttii ou tl.v i ittl ll'l on the lOth lllp t.eAiit-r Slop M.i-i..-, Ship VsUhri, aO aft nrveil Step 1U Ir, .1 i 'V' hrandt-d ami inf.ne i-h i -I m.c.

t.w i i i.Lro.: nt. iaut.lv well aiaor; rt, sizes Hat oi.l iiarr, and 1 1 ia.es ton and C'alcuUa t.oodi. A I. s.l IS" STOIIE, Russia nnd Kau. uii.

K'H-ia alite uiS; ci r. llun.br ol a loper.or qlt. i2 in. wide Sbt. eoi.ee pepp.er rtieow nc, rdearx aud Mai sci.lts bratidv Hand L-iii 'it'll s'ii', eninia, II t.betiTKe.

Sh e. 'he 1Mb liris liei .11 en tlie I Hi I I. i.e-.iin. witti. nt i lar.

-ea'ii-ahtp Knit via nit I ne amlerer. at Atina. 'I l.e hr-g ft ito. d' an, xij.li Aug. i l.

i jesty'a possessions in America and tiie Veirf an(1' wiil mardi to Xanxa, with OtHMJ tro. yl Indies, and other places in America and the jtomed t0 service. West Indies." certain articles eimiiiera ed -Xhe vtrT rmpuUr and in tue schedule annexed to the said act, uncommonly active. T.iva A tin to, the are permitted tc be imported n.to cerUiu a man of abilities and his Maiesty'i sa.d doin.i.ious; aud m(Hlt is placed in I mi by all as srae of tlie said articles are sub- cieH. An aent hasarrived oa account importation into tl sua trts.

to of fne oan etiected in En-lard, will, au-the of certain dul.es, ae, ordiug ihoriiy lo draw for three mil.i. ns. I Into the rates se forth in schedule aaiura- of amount js ctcd specie." ed lo the act; aud whereas hv an Capf. Austin, who arrived last passed in the ib-irtl. year ol bis JVla-est t's from Rli Janeiro, furnishes the lutiUded wet to authorise is XLe Bra.ilian frisrnte Union.

Capt. Jew-Majesty, under cireiunsii-uces, to ett. was at li.o, repan ir.ir, and soon repulatc the duties drawbacks on poo i fr the C(MSt Kiy u-npt imported or exported id foreign t)ie to eicit certain foreign ssels from A smn will iiniI1Mj lota-e," his M-vjesly is by aed to octe Video. The Bnuilim. with the advice ef the Privy Council.

had 5tif.o men uoder Geu. Lacore, before Fy Lis Majesty Order or Orders Conn-, cil.to be oubl'isbed from time to time in the "Xiie Cnrten crf in session at and London Gaz-tte, whenever it snail '-e 1 Were daily vi ascendent), and deemed expedient, to levyand hare any onlf wxiH.A eac.iuisitionofdep.nies-fis.111 additional duty or d.nis,f cu-toms or to the'northern pn.vii.ces to esta Mtsi. ie ba-wif bold the payment ot a.iy drawoa. ks, 6i, of o.nlif.ilion for the cmnue. -s.

allowances any cooo.s, The V.JOlu,,r iias despatches from Judpe waresa.rmerciiandus enp- rted IQto urct- at na. aa fruIU Mr. Htiet, at PUl l.Ys. t.V.YELS. iftci.ia (i.T 'itteS 2 ti Vnp mi 1 -d Hordcav.x elr in casks and csaes, Tinlajs ot i -rR Km P''1' a.

'iri ins, it.in. ai liii-rabar, lath eg. je Nf 1 .0. F.T.TOT. "Ill UeHa iptit 'I et J'elrt tiem.

Vnon. 'm a. opposi dot i'e ion 1. iu i. os ou paititi la the I'll w.t in ala I 1 ri.K A I I r'FSE, 17 SMiM-rsar t.e -li r.

It' i.ih ii.hk" Y.tn r'lees-. Just 1 er limI hv Aart ow vin eil a- erauckei Na.ls, ful from sd to io ptui.y hit lea.1 (crouB't in blnna Cell oil torlaii.ps Nertb'rii in, iulil.lv. aiel bbds. Caaitlles ati.1 anay Icner Hit vviie asp's, pipe qr tasks Mi. awci a.t iliy Lite iiaraiji sviar.

cl nrrslly, tl.at V.rrntcdrfthcrvr every A-! I J. It. LF.V t.HlC -v-Vnii, on the Sd he if ne, in ths. 'I tail, and dir- An. i--'H.

Ilrie vVusliin fli it at Ytk. ti t- if I. h.p Fachanre, I'eHry henrp n- Liirq.nnl, was sooken lu I. It tioai fool, arrive tkrl.iber 1 I OF I' UO HATES. tRizint fill er v.ihwwff- ELECAM 1-' frstvr.

r.nei Tuo, for r)verninent For Frr orCIiarter, porima II. tw HI iiw. w.u mmj un Whtbiis C'nar'c4ifikhs to this Co.nt a to uhum lellres 10 tl.e the hue l.i.-.iar Kimball, dt ceaie.l, cA IM.UCe ii iiieNy iven le all whom il m. jicern to sb. sa.

wilimi Un dav h) aaid petition sl.onhl not be grsi.ud. Uy or.lt uf ll.t Corn MkriN cLAcnn, f)ct lbs P.lvaa'l.uir"-,!r he fine ist tiai'itij srhr. Majesty adominioas, lu vessels oiioufir.p to any foresfrn co.Hatry in which big'rt'r duties shall have been levied, or aanatler I'M IN. From (ke St jj iT. A new miesiioa, itappi-ars, a ho it to agitated, in a part of our amutry at least, viz: the exwd.encT of rontet.

witb "Me pr ie I'ti'-e. 1 -torit, enti let. ei en et fort drawbacks, bounties, oratlowauers granted upon roods, wares or when the Ilritish ri.i vi.vo, nviteri appj? on ooard, eppr.aite St. la uis-ilrret, or lo rr. 7Aciunin.

'Ll'l' o' FOR HirA.YA. imported intoorearairtcdlrom suub forei-n navi-ration of the St. or. faibn.r Oct 1 4 Common-street. POIih', SO bbls rri.ne Ciiiciana Ffi, of fTeelii-nt polity, I.v LOCKIlAHT.s.

AP.ROTT, Oct t4 Ciei. street. A KTS, DRAYS, ir.i(iO,'S,A e. Ths aul.acr'ber now f.ir sale, aud lias on band, a good tupplv ol" Carta, wiih hsrncss, nivile bv N'ewpoit of Phil. Ifcuys Wa-cms -Cart Wheels, of various sizes, will be avid ou terms.

ns. UYK.NL. Oct 7 No- SI, Cisom4ioiar-4ireet. "TiTiiTiaFa soiiT OVSTKK SOUP, I'FKF STEAKS, Lc. Will be servd up everv dav t.om 1 1 oVlock in tl innrninfr until o'ebx at niht, at the tct of Ihe auiisc i'aer in C'onii, near hart re a-itrest.

Oct2tf JOHN R1CITARDSOX. country in British t-els, than are levied ill IJlUhM A Tons NeRro IS years of goo. nurse, sii.l creolt ol li.i tr.11r.try. Apely lo K. r'Ui.

It, 1. eat lo tati. I ictoi er 51 to obtain it as a ritrht, tor the purchase of it. aud with it, of Ae Can or praoted upon simt.ar poods, wares, or i a merchandize when imported or exported in if the cannot be separated The 'ol mil -s si'linz Us A.Y. esse's of such rountrv; provided altvats OK A Hue J.m i' Ortnher -th15ii: rf TCif; V1 faukourt negro 5 A r-'ttrO cl'nwt- inilih' that such add tional or couuU rvaihuir duties so to be imposed, aud diawoa.k-.

bounties, or nl'ownces to to be withheld them. A North Carolina correspondent favored us a few days apo, with some on t' sifbjwt; and we insert in the preceding pa-e an article lioldiiifr forth inducements for serious consideration of this '-ric' is aforesaid, sball not be of greater amount if-JtSpp-fyfr Cows, and Heifers; tniik biet they were sefecttJ -n -nan may ne oeemea lainy to coiioiervau si1ect. It has been saiestett that it is the dirTereocs) of duty, drawback er allow-1 iutrndrJ to coanect Um question with the ance paid or rranted on (roods, wares, or I FMdvm. We hope a question r.erchandir.e imrs.rted into or of such ir. Memlni iinm.ri3..o i.

Kenttu kv bouw he r-nn'rv lhrcta-tm Ken.an, matter has en-aeeil and wil' sail on ihe in't. ror reaidue on I oartt, rv t- H' XJCiLIttE (r FOR NKW Yoi.lt One of tli Linen Parh'U. JoSr FLOHU.V, II. Iakard, master will commer ce on a sail in a few djiys. For freight or pastaaji'.

aiiplv on tiaonl or to tct 4 K. RCSKF.LT. If Co. l- .1 1 1 ii. t.

.1 ..1 -a all uie pan aurnir, io ir 11. rl It in Rood heafili. Also irc.ie Cows I calvra. terms he 1.1 a p'r-j T' ar fromtticli lbrei; country in Ptiush ves- i tsftnt thr TemtLty sels, more or less ti.an the Hra. Slaies.

will not be connected "w.il. FOR LY, OR TO UKNT. P-J'ird' 'T'lfE Home now occupied by the shscrir chaaer who ill laise the whole Arr.y to tie, ott bcnS" Uwuisi-street, with a Lack alotr, two alo- rinier ries kiichen s-rvunu rooms, l.uilt on I Mi I' L. SsstcP sutSS levt hv Ji feet 1 h-rr are I wwe I I. 1...

tKm. l.o-lflatr laf i 1 room.inllie.t-Utrrfho.ise.lh. 1 a hi 111 avixhe the ith aid, tl "1 'nil ie ut I I t. wlutft miy be coovettt-d 1 Vv roo.1 .7 a. 1 bib' and grated otbe r.

build- .,11 MWi Cx Pfu 11 i For further pariaculai tr.il terii.a applj "If back, bounties, or ailntrinres tli'-re char-go! or ranted upoo similar pi.vis, wares, or imported into or exported from such ft reipn country in eels of such country; and whereas British vessels enter i. it tlie ports of the United States, from the ports of bis majesty's possession ia A-tnerica, or the West Indies, srith cares consisting of articlej of tlie trruwh, manufacture of possessions, re charged with a djty of one dollar per simi forAcnnage duties anJ iijTht minry, and a discrfJlinatifir duty of ten per cent, is -SMljti vi ti cvjtes sct vest. to For Matlisonville Covington, The m-hiton'r tUSZ COVINGTON PACKET, Capt. J. Grant, will poaitivelv sad en Saturday mon.in km it.

For treila or psssar hsvii snp.T-i.K- aremnmn.laliona. sppl to the master on bwr.l, at tlrt Bwiin, or to Oct 24 HAY OWF.IaL. anv tlan oi so transewnt a nature, ami courparktirelv inferior inauilnde, as the question, which of our vtnuieut statesmen shall fill the Presidential We consider the matter, so far as it is proposed to purchase the Canadat.to be of portentioua magnitude, and, in any view of it, of preat The ubtect is new to that we bae fwt before tboueht of the possibility of the Canada beinff at somefutiire day, annexed to the United Slaes, birt because we bad mTklesoi' its Leitg seri.bly projioscd r--tirablc cur to Mailame rlanrhar.1. I P. rf 11 1 1 ia Oct MACXsEr.

irrrrr. 7'j' 'KK slip tin iiin 1 Ts- I mi. k. i ihe. bin i ia-if n.r WHITRLKAn PINT SOi kes Amir can white lead, of -hm iji.i casks F.nt;l.h dry lead Jnst receivrl fi4 aalc hr C.1I i r.TraARriNKAC Co.

Oct S3 lewf 'ire-street. 1 fi Uoslici a 1'ipes Mipenur unae br'n'y -1 U1LI OK On Ttostt Xew-Vork STid Psria for tale bv Oct AfiT. TO T.L TO T. 0 Oct TLXCL.YT XXJ.TZ.

Louisiana State Gazette from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)
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Name: Tyson Zemlak

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Apt. 662 96191 Quigley Dam, Kubview, MA 42013

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Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.