Sam Witwicky (2024)

Sam Witwicky (1)
Samuel James Witwicky
Status:Alive (as of 2012)


Ron Witwicky (father)
Judy Witwicky (mother)
Charles Witwicky (uncle)
Archibald Witwicky (great-great-grandather)
Significant other:Mikeala Banes (ex-girlfriend)
Carly Spencer (current girlfriend)
Aliases:The Boy


Autobots (formerly)
NEST (formerly)
Seymour Simmons Order of the Witwiccans


Autobot ally(formerly)
High School student (graduated)
College student (graduated)
Accruetta Systems employee


Shia LaBeouf
AllSpark Cube/Shard
Matrix of Leadership
Cybertronian Grapple-Glove & Boomstick Explosive


Transformers: Trilogy

The Last Knight (Photograph only)

Samuel James "Sam" Witwicky is the main protagonist of the Transformers film series from Transformers to Transformers: Dark of the Moon portrayed by Shia LaBeouf. Sam was an ordinary teenager trying to buy a car to impress Mikaela Banes, the girl of his dreams, but became the central target in the Autobot/Decepticon war as he unknowingly knew the location of the AllSpark and became good friends with the Autobots and became the lover of Mikaela while he destroyed Megatron. He would also become infected by the AllSpark and gain infinite knowledge of the universe which he would use in a desparate mission to resurrect Optimus Prime so he could kill the Fallen. Years later Mikaela broke up with him and he instead started seeing Carly Spencer as he once again became involved in a Decepticon conspiracy which resulted in a full-scale invasion of Chicago where he realized Carly was his one true love.


  • 1 Biography
    • 1.1 History
    • 1.2 Buying a car
    • 1.3 Meeting MikaelaBanes
    • 1.4 Bumblebee / Hunted by Decepticons
    • 1.5 Meeting the Autobots
    • 1.6 Encounter with Sector 7
    • 1.7 Return of Megatron/Guarding the AllSpark
    • 1.8 Mission City
    • 1.9 Dating Mikaela
    • 1.10 Going to College/Infected by the AllSpark
    • 1.11 Hunted by the Fallen/Optimus's death
    • 1.12 Search for Jetfire/Journey to Egypt
    • 1.13 Matrix of Leadership
    • 1.14 Resurrecting OptimusPrime
    • 1.15 Losing Mikaela / Meeting CarlySpencer
    • 1.16 Looking for a job
    • 1.17 Uncovering Apollo 11 conspiracy
    • 1.18 Sentinel Prime's betrayal
    • 1.19 Exile of the Autobots/Search for Carly
    • 1.20 Running from Shockwave/Killing Starscream
    • 1.21 Final attack on Chicago/Reunited with Carly
    • 1.22 Remembered as a Witwiccan by Sir Edmund Burton
  • 2 Physical Appearance
  • 3 Powers and Abilites
    • 3.1 Former Powers
    • 3.2 Abilities
  • 4 Equipment
  • 5 Killed Victims
  • 6 Personality
  • 7 Appearances
  • 8 Gallery
  • 9 Trivia


Samuel James "Sam" Witwicky is the one of the two main protagonists of Transformers, Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, and Transformers: Dark of the Moon (alongside Optimus Prime), and a posthumous character in Transformers: The Last Knight. He is a major protagonist in the Transformers cinematic universe.


Sam's great, great grandfather, Archibald Witwicky, was an explorer and member of the secretive Order of the Witwiccans. Sam himself was born sometime in either 1990 or 1991 to Ronald "Ron" Witwicky and Judy Witwicky. In the tenth grade, Sam tried out for the high school's football team. This did not go well for him, and bully/jock Trent DeMarco would tease Sam about this, but Sam would verbally retaliate, stating how he was merely researching for a book he was writing regarding the link between brain damage and football. At some point, he acquired a crush on classmate Mikaela Banes, the two of which had been in the same classes since the third grade, although Mikaela was not aware to this (much to Sam's dismay). At some point prior to getting involved with the Transformers, Sam's uncle Charles gave him a copy of a Busty Beauties magazine, a reading periodical which was surely of the highest gentlemanly standard.

Buying a car[]

By the time of the 11th grade, (junior in high school) what Sam really wanted as a way to get a girlfriend was a nice car. After presumably asking for one to his father, Ron Witwicky, Ron told Sam that he had to earn $2,000 and 3 A's. By the time of the day he had to give his genealogy report in front of his history class, he had already gotten the money and 2/3 A's. He gave his presentation, regaling his classmates with the story of his great-great-grandfather, Captain Archibald Witwicky, who took 41 sailors into the Arctic Shelf in the year 1897 as part of the National Arctic Circle Expedition. There, he discovered what he called a "giant ice man", and was later locked away in a mental institution because of his ramblings and drawing strange Cybertronian symbols everywhere. After class let out, Sam asked his teacher what the grade was, to which he replied that it was a "solid B-". This disappointed Sam, who, after some verbal arm-twisting, persuaded his history teacher to increase the grade to an A-. Sam ran out to his father's car happily, and soon enough they were headed to a car lot. After a rude practical joke regarding buying Sam a Porsche, Ron drove them to the real place where they would purchase Sam's car: Bolivia's Finest Quality Used Cars and Petting Zoo, which upon seeing, Sam was disappointed. However, after some talking and dealing with Bobby Bolivia, Sam eventually bought a 1976 Chevrolet Camaro, mostly due to the fact that he was all out of options, considering that every other vehicle in the lot had its windows blown out.

Meeting MikaelaBanes []

Soon after purchasing his new ride, Sam and his friend Miles headed out to a local lake where a party was being held. However, the two soon encountered Sam's longtime bully Trent and his girlfriend Mikaela. After sticking around for a very short time, Sam and Miles headed back to Sam's car, but as they were preparing to leave, Mikaela quickly broke up with Trent and started her long walk home. Seeing this as an opportunity to make a move on Mikaela, Sam swiftly kicked Miles out of his car and headed towards Mikaela, who got in after some talking. Eventually, though, the car (intentionally) malfunctioned, driving the two towards a cliff. Mikaela and Sam got out, with Mikaela using her dad's passed-on knowledge about how vehicles worked. She couldn't get it to do so, and began walking home once again. Fortunately for Sam, his Camaro started up at the right moment and did manage to get Mikaela home by nightfall. Sam drove home manlier and prouder, stating how he loved his car.

Bumblebee / Hunted by Decepticons[]

After arriving home the same night and heading to bed, Sam was soon awoken from sleep by the sound of his car's engine roaring to life outside. As he exited his house in a rush, he exclaimed to his father, Ron (who was also the head of the local neighborhood watch) to call the police. Sam ran out of his home and began pursuing the assumed car thief on his bike. Sam also called the police while on his bike, and eventually Sam reached a dead end at an abandoned junkyard where he was cut off from the vehicle. After some hiding, he witnessed the car "stand up" and send a signal up into the sky. Thinking that the "creature" would kill him, Sam pulled out his cell phone and confessed to his parents a number of things. After the confessional was over, Sam went and investigated the area where the car was, and came across two rabid dogs who began pursuing him that were eventually scared off by his car. For some reason still thinking the car was being controlled by another human being, he threw his keys at the escaping vehicle before two police squad cars soon arrived, with the cops assuming Sam to be the thief. Sam was swiftly arrested and taken into custody and the police station.

The following morning, Sam (accompanied by Ron, in his PJs, no less) was interrogated by an arrogant and overzealous cop who assumed Sam to be on some form of drugs. This cop's "evidence" consisted of a bottle of pills labeled "Mojo", which in reality, was pain numbing medicine for Sam's chihuahua of the same name. After this ordeal was over, Sam eventually returned home, thinking that this situation was done. However, as Sam went into his kitchen to have breakfast, his car returned into the driveway. He quickly called Miles, saying that "Satan's Camaro" was stalking him. Soon after, with his own bike left behind in the junkyard the night prior, Sam opted for his mother's bike instead, and eventually was being pursued through town by his Camaro. This was not a good experience for Sam, as he wound up flipping his mom's bike over the curb, and right in front of Mikaela and her girlfriends, who were hanging out at Burger King. After a quick and awkward talk with her, Sam got back on the bike and got to what he thought to be a safe hiding spot, which was an abandoned lot underneath the interstate.

Upon entering the abandoned lot, Sam was grateful to see a police car in the distance, its sirens blaring. Little did Sam know, this was the Decepticon Barricade, who was under orders from Megatron to get Archibald Witwicky's glasses and find the location of the AllSpark. Sam arrived at the police car, the holographic driver of which knocked Sam's mom's bike over again and left Sam pleading on the hood of the car, revealing all about his Camaro that was following him. Barricade began to toy with Sam, lightly accelerating and knocking him on his back. Then, Sam witnessed the unthinkable: the police car transformed in the very evil (and very sharp) Decepticon Barricade. Sam did a double take to make sure it was real, and sure enough, it was. He got up and began running. However, despite Sam's best efforts, Barricade sent Sam flying into the air and onto the windshield of a derelict vehicle. Barricade got up in Sam's face and demanded to know where the glasses of Archibald Witwicky were. Sam chose not to divulge this information, and instead took off running once more to an exit point of the lot, where Mikaela Banes was riding her moped.

Seeing Sam running with great fear, she stopped by to see what was up, and Sam quickly stopped her from continuing her moped ride, warning her of the "monster" that just attacked him. Warning Mikaela several times to run, the duo were soon rescued by the Camaro, AKA Autobot Bumblebee, who knocked Barricade to the ground. Sam and Mikaela rushed to Bumblebee as a car chase ensued. Minutes later, Bumblebee stopped in an empty industrial park and waited for Barricade, who was patrolling the area for them, to pass by so a surprise attack could be made on the Decepticon. This plan succeeded as both Sam and Mikaela witnessed Bumblebee up close for the very first time in his robot form. A battle happened between the Autobot and Decepticon as Barricade eventually lost. Little did anyone know, Barricade's small ally, Frenzy, scanned Mikaela's phone and became it, still carrying out his mission. Bumblebee then revealed his true intentions and purposes to Sam and Mikaela, who both got into him as they drove for a while. Unfortunately, Mikaela made an insulting comment regarding Bumblebee's outdated 1976 Camaro form, to which he responded by scanning a brand new 2009 Camaro. Sam and Mikaela were then taken out to a local recreational area by Bumblebee, where they all collectively watched as the other Autobots, in their meteor-shaped protoforms came down to Earth. Bumblebee then drove Sam and Mikaela to an alleyway, where the other Autobot team members were ready to introduce themselves.

Meeting the Autobots[]

They were then escorted to an abandoned alley, where they met the biggest surprises of them all: Four other cars transformed into robots. The lead robot, after inquiring about Sam's identity, introduced himself as Optimus Prime, leader of the Autobots, autonomous robotic lifeforms from a planet known as Cybertron. Prime introduced Jazz, his first lieutenant; Ironhide, his weapons expert; and Ratchet, their medical officer (who claimed that Sam's pheromone level indicated that he wanted to mate with Mikaela, embarrassing both teens); and identified the Camaro as Bumblebee, Sam's appointed guardian. Optimus explained their mission to locate the AllSpark, the betrayal of Megatron and the Decepticons, and how Archibald Witwicky's glasses played a vital role in finding the AllSpark.

Going to his house, Sam frantically searched for the glasses, but the Autobots were somewhat impatient and totally wrecked his dad's backyard. After he found the glasses, government agents arrived. Their leader, Agent Simmons, took Sam and Mikaela into custody, separating Sam from his parents. Simmons went bad cop on Sam, threatening him with life imprisonment and revealing Mikaela's criminal record. Just as Simmons demanded answers about aliens, Prime intercepted the convoy, and the Autobots totally outclassed the agents. Sam demanded to know what Sector Seven was, but a backup team arrived. Prime took Sam and Mikaela to hide under a bridge, but they nearly fell to their deaths. Bumblebee saved them but was captured, and Sam and Mikaela were recaptured.

Encounter with Sector 7[]

They were taken to Hoover Dam, where Simmons tried the awkward role of good cop, but Sam was uninterested in talking. Tom Banachek tried to bribe him, and Sam demanded the freeing of Bumblebee, his parents, and the expunging of Mikaela's criminal record. Taking them into the dam, Sector Seven showed them N.B.E.-1, whom Sam recognized as Megatron. He explained Megatron's goals and the purpose of the AllSpark. However, the spastic abomination that had pantsed him sent a message to the Decepticons, who attacked. Sam implored Sector Seven to release Bumblebee, saying he could help, which Captain Lennox expedited by putting a gun to Simmons's chest. Bumblebee converted the AllSpark to a smaller form, and the soldiers, soon augmented by the Autobots, escorted the two teens and Bumblebee to Mission City.

Return of Megatron/Guarding the AllSpark[]

Upon reaching Mission City, an F-22 Raptor was spotted, which Ironhide recognized as Starscream. Starscream attacked, damaging Bumblebee's legs, and a tank attacked the soldiers. As the Autobots and the soldiers went to deal with the tank, Mikaela arrived with a tow truck to remove Bumblebee from the battle. Megatron soon arrived and killed Jazz, and Lennox ordered Sam to take the AllSpark to a building to be escorted out of the city. Despite Sam's refusal to leave, Bumblebee handed the Cube to him, urging him to go. Sam was pursued by Megatron, Starscream, and a helicopter, with Ratchet and Ironhide providing protection, but they were injured by Starscream, and Sam was forced to leave without them. During his flight, Sam dropped the AllSpark, causing some nearby machines to come to life. Reaching the building, Sam ignited a flare, but his ride was destroyed by Starscream.

Mission City[]

Cornered on the roof, Megatron demanded the AllSpark in exchange for living to be his pet, but Sam refused. Megatron used his flail to knock Sam off the roof, but Sam was saved by Optimus Prime. Telling Sam to hold onto the cube, Prime tried to scale down the building, but Megatron knocked them all off. Prime managed to shield Sam from any serious injury, however. Prime expressed admiration for Sam's efforts and told him that if he couldn't defeat Megatron, Sam was to merge the Cube with Optimus's spark, destroying both Prime and the AllSpark. Megatron was indeed too powerful for Optimus to defeat alone, and Prime told Sam to push the cube into the Autobot's chest. Instead, Sam merged the AllSpark with Megatron, killing him. Optimus extended his thanks, telling him he owed Sam a debt of gratitude. Bumblebee, who could now speak, requested permission to stay with Sam, to which Sam eagerly agreed.

Dating Mikaela[]

Sam and Mikaela entered into a relationship and made out on Bumblebee's hood while Ironhide and Ratchet observed.

Going to College/Infected by the AllSpark[]

About two years later, Sam was packing up his stuff and preparing to leave for college with his parents, insisting that he was not going to be with anyone else but Mikaela, at which point she called to tell him she was breaking up with him. Sam played it cool as he convinced her that they should stay together, having already brought a "long distance relationship kit", and offered to throw in his sweater from the battle two years earlier. A shard of the AllSpark fell out of the sweater and a.) brought numerous kitchen devices to life and b.) imprinted a large collection of ancient Cybertronian knowledge onto his brain. After Bumblebee destroyed the kitchen robots (and parts of the Witwickys' house with them), Sam handed the AllSpark shard to Mikaela. In a wrenching heart-to-heart with Bumblebee, he dismissed him from his role as guardian, saying it was time for Bumblebee to rejoin the other Autobots (and Sam wasn't allowed to have a car at college, anyway). Before he departed he and Mikaela argued over the fact that neither would say they loved each other, and Sam claimed it was all part of an elaborate plan to keep her interested. Arriving at college, Sam met his roommate, Leo Spitz, who operated a conspiracy website and was convinced that alien robots were hiding on Earth. Sam, already fretting that his wacky roommate would discover his connection to the Autobots and attempting to throw him off the truth, was mortified when he realised Judy had unknowingly bought and digested brownies, making her run around the campus and babbling about his private life before Ron took her away.

Hunted by the Fallen/Optimus's death[]

Sam, Mikaela and Leo, who stumbled across Alice's robotic self by accident, tried to escape but were captured by a Decepticon helicopter who took them to an abandoned foundry where Starscream and a resurrected Megatron waited.

After Sam's failure at relating to the thirty-foot-tall robot, Megatron ordered a small, glasses-wearing robot called The Doctor and his assistants to remove Sam's brain in order to access the information from the AllSpark shard. Sam pleaded for the chance to talk things through, just as Optimus Prime and Bumblebee arrived and attacked the Decepticons, freeing Sam, Mikaela and Leo. Fleeing with the Autobot leader through a forest, Sam was caught up in Optimus's attempt to fight off Megatron, Starscream and Grindor all by himself. After killing Grindor, Optimus was impaled by Megatron and died, his last words being for Sam to run. Just then, the other Autobots arrived, causing Megatron and Starscream to retreat. Sam was safe, for the moment at least, and upset that he had been responsible to Optimus Prime's death.

Search for Jetfire/Journey to Egypt[]

At the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum, Sam used the last remaining AllSpark shard to reactivate an old Decepticon named Jetfire, disguised as an SR-71 Blackbird. Jetfire claimed to have defected to the Autobots and upon Sam showing him the symbols and mentioning The Fallen's name, Jetfire opened a space bridge and teleported the entire group to Egypt, injuring Sam's hand in the process.

Matrix of Leadership[]

Jetfire proceeded to tell them about The Fallen, who betrayed his brothers, the Primes, many millennia ago. The Fallen intended to destroy the Earth's sun in order to create energon, the Transformers' source of energy, and the symbols in Sam's head were a map to the location of the Star Harvester, the weapon intended to use to destroy the sun. Jetfire also revealed that only a Prime could stop The Fallen, and a key was needed to activate the harvester: the Matrix of Leadership. Sam asked Jetfire whether the Matrix would also revive Optimus Prime, to which Jetfire responded that it might be possible, given the unusual radiation that the Matrix generated. Setting off with Jetfire's translation of the symbols, "When dawn alights the Dagger's Tip, Three Kings shall reveal the doorway", Sam planned to have Simmons call Lennox and have him transport Optimus's body to Egypt. After a stopover for the night between the Pyramids of Giza, during which Sam totally failed at declaring his love for Mikaela, he realised that the Three Kings were in fact the star constellations above the Pyramids, which pointed to Jordan. In the Petra mountains, the group discovered the tomb of the Primes, uncovered during a fight between Skids and Mudflap. Inside, Sam found the Matrix, which crumbled to dust when he touched it. Sam collected the dust regardless, and together they traveled back to Egypt.

Resurrecting OptimusPrime[]

Meanwhile, the NEST team parachuted down and prepared for battle near the pyramids, having realised the Decepticons were on their way. Before Sam and the others could get back to Lennox and his people, the Decepticons commenced their assault and Starscream attacked, so while the others created a diversion, Sam and Mikaela cut through an Egyptian village. After killing a searching Insecticon, they fled from Starscream and Scrapper, running straight into a trap the Constructicon Rampage had set up using his parents. Sam stalled for time by offering to hand over the Matrix dust, 'til he was rescued by Bumblebee. Sam ordered Bumblebee to get his parents to safety while he and Mikaela continued on.

Sam and Mikaela almost joined a search group led by Ironhide and Arcee, but they were attacked and forced to head on by themselves. Arriving at the site of the main battle, they were saved by Lennox, Epps and Jetfire, but Sam was mortally wounded by a blast fired by Megatron as he made his way to Optimus's body. While paramedics tried to reanimate him, the Matrix dust was spilled across his hand, and Sam encountered the dead Primes in a vision. The Primes told him that he was destined to find the Matrix and save the life of the last Prime. Sam returned to life, and the dust in his hand reassembled itself into the Matrix. Sam took the opportunity to tell Mikaela that he loved her. With the Matrix, Sam was able to revive Optimus Prime, who ultimately was able to defeat the Fallen.

With the battle won, the Autobots, NEST, Sam and his friends returned to the USA on board an aircraft carrier, where Sam and Optimus Prime checked out the view from the back. Optimus thanked Sam for saving his life, and Sam in turn thanked him for believing in him. Upon his return, Sam continued to attend college.

Losing Mikaela / Meeting CarlySpencer []

Sometime after Operation: Firestorm and following being dumped by Mikaela, Sam was awarded a medal for his heroism by Barack Obama. While at the White House, he met Carly Spencer. He later went on to move in with his new girlfriend in Washington, D.C.. They took in the small Autobots Wheelie and Brains as "pets" (and Mikaela's dog for some reason) while Bumblebee also continued to live with Sam, but he would frequently leave to continue his work with NEST, leading Sam to buy a Bumblebee-like car (described by his mother as a 'sad piece of sh*t') to fill in for his friend.

Receiving a stuffed rabbit from Carly as a good luck charm as he prepared to set out to find a new job, Sam took a moment to complain about the government not allowing him to work with the Autobots, having to borrow money from Carly to pay for things, and the fact that his parents were coming to visit in a week's time. As Carly left for work.

Looking for a job[]

Sam reminded the small Autobots of their place and left to begin job-hunting. But his parents had arrived early, and Sam made it clear he had job interviews, and he had to get a ride from them, since his car refused to start. After a series of failed interviews, Sam arrived at a telecommunication company named Accuretta Systems, where his apparently failing attempt to win over Bruce Brazos succeeded, and he was given a position as a mail carrier. Sam then visited Carly at Hotchkiss Gould Investments with the news. He then met Carly's boss, Dylan Gould, who seemed all too close to his girlfriend, but Sam denied any jealousy. Before they could go, Dylan revealed that he was on the board for Accuretta Systems and had provided a letter of recommendation for him, to Sam's confusion.

Almost as soon as he started work, Sam found his job to be boring and unfulfilling. Receiving a quick visit from Carly, during which she apparently helped boost Bruce's opinion of Sam, he was dismayed to learn Dylan had loaned her a Mercedes SLS AMG.

Uncovering Apollo 11 conspiracy[]

Later, one of Sam's co-workers, Jerry Wang, confronted Sam and held him down in a toilet stall. There Jerry told the freaked-out Sam that the Autobots were in danger and the Decepticons were killing humans. After giving Sam his manifesto, Jerry left and Bruce noticed that the two had been struggling in the stall together, creating some awkward moments afterwards. Sam went through Jerry's notes, which contained information regarding the dark side of the Moon. He was confused as to what it meant and went to Jerry's office to ask some questions, but Jerry acted strangely, pretending it had never happened and demanded he leave. Almost immediately after, Jerry fell out of the window to his death, and Bruce told Sam that he didn't care about what had happened earlier. However, a condor-like Decepticon suddenly attacked Sam, and he barely managed to get out of the office.

Sam decided to head to the NEST base with Carly, but the guards refused to let him in and pretended he was in the wrong place. After arguing with the guards, Sam radioed for Bumblebee as they restrained him, and Bumblebee arrived and warned them off. Before they went in, Sam told Bumblebee that he was disappointed that they never saw each other any more. He told Lennox about Jerry's death and his notes of the Moon. Incidentally, NEST and the Autobots had discovered the crashed Autobot ship the Ark, which had been the driving force of the American-Russian space race in the '60s, on the Moon. Not only that, they had recently returned from it with the deactivated Sentinel Prime and five pillars that helped form a space bridge. National Intelligence Director Charlotte Mearing was not happy with Sam's presence, and after witnessing Optimus reactivate Sentinel with the Matrix of Leadership, she warned Sam that while she was pleased with the information he had brought, he was nothing but a messenger and that his help wasn't necessary. Upon arriving back at home with Bumblebee, Sam decided he wasn't going to let the matter go and called Simmons and his assistant Dutch for help.

Sentinel Prime's betrayal[]

The group went through piles of information and came to the conclusion that humans were working with the Decepticons and had been doing so since the space race. When Carly got back, she wasn't happy with Sam, reminding him they were going to Dylan's and believed that he wanted to put himself in danger. She asked Sam to let the situation go, but he refused, and she left. After tracking down a pair of Russian cosmonauts, the group learned that there were once hundreds of pillars, but the Decepticons had stolen them before anyone had reached the Ark. Realising that the Decepticons had left behind Sentinel, the only one who could control the pillars, so that the Autobots could revive him, Sam called Mearing to warn her.

Aided by Bumblebee, Sideswipe and Dino, they began escorting Sentinel back to the NEST base. En route, they were attacked by the Dreads, and during the ensuing chase, Bumblebee was forced transform over a crashing truck, tossing Sam out above him and catching again as he reverted to vehicle mode. But when they arrived back at base, Sentinel revealed that he had made a deal with Megatron to restore Cybertron, then killed Ironhide, wrecked the NEST base and stole his pillars before leaving.

Exile of the Autobots/Search for Carly[]

Sam rushed back home to find Carly before remembering she was at Dylan's. He went to his parents to tell them about their argument, and after an embarrassing conversation in which Judy and Ron expressed their opinions of Sam's love life, he realized how much he loved Carly and warned his parents to leave the city. Arriving at Dylan's mansion, he convinced Carly to allow them the chance to talk by being rude to Dylan. However Dylan revealed that his father was once one of the Decepticons' allies. Sam and Carly tried to flee in the loaned Mercedes, only for it to reveal itself as Soundwave, who held Carly hostage. Dylan demanded that Sam find out the Autobots' plan to fight back against the hundreds of the Decepticons brought to Earth by the space bridge, forcing him to wear a Watch-bot so that he couldn't warn them. Before he left, Sam promised that he would kill Dylan for threatening Carly. He was taken to Mearing by NEST agents, and after she apologized for not believing him, learned that Sentinel had forced the government into exiling the Autobots. Sam was taken to the Autobots' ship, the Xantium, where a group of Autobots called the Wreckers were preparing the ship for launch. Sam pleaded for Optimus to ignore the government's demand for exile and asked what their plan was, but Optimus said they had none. After he and Bumblebee bade him farewell, Sam watched as the Xantium took off and called Dylan to let him know they were gone, only to learn that the Decepticons had never intended to let the Autobots leave. Sam could only watch as the ship was then destroyed.

He decided that he would find Dylan and save Carly, and with Simmons and Dutch's help he tracked Dylan's location to Chicago. Epps decided to help Sam and gathered a group of soldiers to accompany them. But en route, the Decepticons invaded Chicago, and the group arrived on the devastated city outskirts. While the soldiers were reluctant to go in, Sam was determined, even though Epps tried to convince him they didn't stand a chance. They were then attacked by a Decepticon fighter, which was brought down by Optimus Prime and the Wreckers. As the rest of the Autobots arrived, they revealed that they had known the Decepticons would never let them go or leave Earth alone and so had hid in a booster rocket that disengaged before the ship was destroyed. With Bumblebee piloting the fighter, Sam infiltrated Dylan's building but was again attacked by Laserbeak, who dropped him over the side. Luckily, Bumblebee caught him, and after Carly jumped onto the fighter, Sam held Laserbeak in place as Bumblebee blasted the 'Con's head off. Once the fighter crash-landed, they awaited the arrival of the rest of the Autobots. After Carly explained the Decepticons' scheme to bring Cybertron into Earth's solar system to NEST via a downed UAV drone optic, Epps came up with a plan to destroy the control pillar with a rocket shot from a high building. Before Sam and the other humans left, Que handed out grappling hooks and boomsticks.

Running from Shockwave/Killing Starscream[]

Sam and the others made it into a tall building, but before the rocket could be launched, Decepticon fighters began firing at the skyscraper, causing it to tilt, and a Decepticon protoform came in looking for them. Escaping by jumping out of the window and sliding down to a lower floor, the group's presence was discovered by Shockwave, who sent his Driller to finish the building. After their tower slammed into another, Sam and the others escaped while Optimus arrived and killed the Driller. They began rushing toward the building with the pillars, which had started to activate, but Sam and Carly were separated from Epps and his men. They were found by Starscream, who relished the opportunity to be alone with Sam and started toying around with him. Sam fired the grappling hook into one of Starscream's eyes, and as Starscream thrashed in panic, Sam was flung around and eventually crashed through a window. While he had the opportunity, he armed one of the boomsticks Que had given him, hoping that it had 'better work.' Taking advantage of the arrival of Lennox's team, Sam jumped onto Starscream's head and lodged the armed boomstick into his other eye. He was again flung around while Lennox tried to free him. Starscream flew to the top of a building, and as his head exploded, Bumblebee arrived to catch the falling pair.

Final attack on Chicago/Reunited with Carly[]

They met up with Epps's team and large force of soldiers, but Sam and Carly snuck across the river to find Bumblebee, Dino, Sideswipe, Que and Ratchet captured by Soundwave's forces. As the 'Cons began executing their prisoners, starting with Que, Sam desperately tried to prepare another boomstick to save Bumblebee when his turn came, but it malfunctioned, forcing Sam to watch in horror and despair as his friend was about to be executed before his eyes. Luckily, Bumblebee was saved when Wheelie and Brains took control of a Decepticon ship and caused a distraction that allowed Bumblebee to kill Soundwave. Sam and Carly ended up in the middle of the battlefield, and Sam called to Optimus to warn him about the pillars, and Optimus managed to stall the process by firing at the control pillar. Sam insisted on helping and assured Carly she would be all right, then began rushing to the pillar, which Dylan was trying to reactivate. Sam tried to stop him but failed, and Dylan kicked him off the collapsed structure. Sam refused to give up, however. When Dylan said Sam wasn't a hero, Sam agreed, stating he was just the messenger...then knocked Dylan into the active pillar, killing him. Bumblebee and Ratchet arrived and destroyed the pillar, causing the partially formed Cybertron to collapse in on itself.

After Optimus had killed Sentinel Prime and Megatron, Sam arrived with the others and hugged Carly in relief. Sam apologized for putting himself in danger and said she was all he needed and he would do anything to make it up to her. She forgave him, and Bumblebee took the opportunity to pass out rings, though Sam interpreted this as needing to "slow way down". Sam then joined the Autobots and soldiers as they stood as heroes for rescuing the world from utter destruction—perhaps finally with due credit.

Remembered as a Witwiccan by Sir Edmund Burton[]

A photo of Sam is seen in Sir Edmund Burton’s mansion, establishing him as part of the Order of the Witwiccans. Given that Burton stated that he is the last surviving member of the order, it can be assumed that Sam died prior to the events of the film.

Physical Appearance[]

Sam is described as a slim/lean fit young male in his early adulthood, with tanning skin, spiky hair and green-colored eyes.

Powers and Abilites[]

Former Powers[]

  • Knowledge Absorption & Near-Unlimited Intellect of the AllSpark Shard: After a shard of the AllSpark fell out of his sweater it imprinted a large collection of ancient transformed Cybertronian knowledge onto Sam's brain which caused rare side-effects to his intellect. As each of the AllSpark downloaded into his mind started to overwhelm him, making him see symbols and act crazy with an eye tic breakdown then shortly thereafter he began to draw the knowledge unconsciously to correct humankind's wrong assumptions during an astronomy class which also allowed Witwicky to use into himself at a fast pace, shown by how he reads a 903-page astronomy textbook in 32.6 seconds. After this, the knowledge of the symbols seem to stop bothering him, although he retained what he learned from the textbook about "when dawn alights the Dagger's Tip, Three Kings will reveal the doorway", while under its influence which was the clue of a map leading to the Matrix’s location.
    • Self-Resurrection: He then encountered the dead Primes in a vision where they told him that he was destined to find the Matrix and save the life of the last Prime. As Sam returned to life, the dust in his hand reassembled itself into the Matrix. Afterwards Sam seems to have lost the effects and his intellect returned to normal.


  • Messenger Intuition: When it comes to saving the universe from the Decepticons, Sam’s main role is to carry and deliver reliable information of the Transformers history such as: plots, artifacts, and tends to figure out how to thwart them from humanity regardless of any given situation. Which allows him these following characteristics in being a messenger:
    • High-level Intelligence: Sam is shown to be a very smart young man since his time in high school and used this as an advantage for when the Transformers arrived. Sam then decided they should try and find out what the symbols he had been seeing meant, upon Sam showing the symbols and mentioning The Fallen's name, Jetfire opened a space bridge and teleported the entire group to Egypt, and proceeded to tell them about “The Fallen”, who betrayed his brothers, the Primes, many millennia ago. The Fallen intended to destroy the Earth's sun in order to create Energon, the Transformers' source of energy, and the symbols in Sam's head were a map to the location of the Star Harvester, the weapon intended to use to destroy the sun. Jetfire also revealed that only a Prime could stop The Fallen, and a key was needed to activate the harvester: the Matrix of Leadership. He realised that the Three Kings were in fact the star constellations above the Pyramids, which pointed to Jordan. In the Petra mountains, the group discovered the tomb of the Primes. Sam claims whether the Matrix would also revive Optimus Prime. When he found the Matrix, which crumbled to dust when he touched it. Sam collected the dust regardless, and together they traveled back to Egypt. He was able to use the Matrix to revive Optimus Prime, who ultimately was able to defeat The Fallen.
    • Skilled Detective: After being given a manifesto by Jerry Wing, Sam went through the notes which contained information regarding the dark side of the Moon. Sam decided he wasn't going to let the matter go and called Simmons and his assistant Dutch for help. The group went through piles of information and came to the conclusion that humans were working with the Decepticons and had been doing so since the space race. After tracking down a pair of Russian cosmonauts, the group learned that there were once hundreds of Pillars, but the Decepticons had stolen them before anyone had reached the Ark. Sam realizes that the Decepticons had left behind Sentinel, the only one who could control the Pillars, so that the Autobots could revive him, as he was the key to reactivate them.
    • Combatant: Sam isn’t so proficient in any formal fighting skills, however he is a capable fighter as he was able to flip Frenzy before he was chopped apart by Mikaela and Sam kicked his head far away, and briefly subdued a sector 7 soldier armed with nitrogen gun to redirect it away from Bumblebee. In Dark of the Moon, he grappled a security guard at N.E.S.T base to the ground with relative ease and held Laserbeak in place as Bumblebee blasted the Decepticon's head off. Then fought against Dylan Gould when Sam was being hold at gunpoint, a piece of newspaper flew in his face which allowed Sam to hit his leg with a stone which caused Gould to drop the gun and was punched across the face. After he was briefly subdued by Dylan kicking him, Sam gets back up to kill him with a pole which has a piece of cement attached to it, wrathfully knocking Gould into the pillar and electrocuting him to death.
    • Athleticism: Despite after failing at trying out for football in his sophom*ore year of high school, Sam's still shown to be athletically strong, fast, and resilient for going into war zones. These skills were demonstrated in the three films.
    • Athletic Human Strength: Sam strength is athletically capable to briefly hold off against the Decepticon Frenzy till he was chopped apart and his head was kicked meters away. In the third film, he also restrained Laserbeak, until Bumblebee shot his head off and able to catch Carly from falling from a broken building with one arm saving her life. Then his muscle power channeled with anger caused him enough force to swing a pole of cement to have Dylan Gould pushed back to be electrified and killed by the pillar.
    • Peak Human Durability: Sam gets smacked into the windshield of a car by Barricade but recovered quickly. In revenge of the Fallen, he was able to withstand many of the mini-bot decepticons small projectile attacks and even survive from Megatron's as he rarely obtained any major injuries. During the third film, Sam endured each of Starscream's swings while using his grapple-glove to fight him and withstood a kick from Dylan Gould to kill him at the last pillar.
    • Peak Human Stamina: He even caught up with Dylan at the last pillar by performing parkour and free-running at fast pace when jumping and sliding through obstacles like poles and cars without any signs of fatigue.
    • Peak Human Running: He possesses feats of peak speed as on the night he was riding his bicycle after Bumblebee then the next day when being followed by him. Sam was able to outrun many Decepticons while carrying the AllSpark through the battle going on in the city, by ducking, rolling and covering from each of their attacks including blast weaponry. In the second film he managed to quickly sprint away from Megatron and Starscream chasing him in the woods even after Optimus' sacrifice, then in Egypt he ran fast enough to evade the Decepticons and survived in reaching Optimus' body to revive him with the Matrix after being resurrected by the Primes. Then in Dark of the Moon, he easily escapes from Laserbeak after attacking his office.
    • Peak Human Stealth: Sam has great advantages in stealth movements for in Revenge of the Fallen, he managed to be silent around dozens of Decepticons from finding him. As well as sneak around them in a war zone during Dark of the Moon.
    • Strong-Willed: Before the arrival of the Transformers, Witwicky was considered a somewhat wimp but has become more driven with the virtues of a leader with courage, honor, and sacrifice during the crisis of saving the universe from the Decepticons. When being ordered to get the AllSpark to a building by Lennox, Sam reaches the top of the roof only to wound up being surrounded and confronted by both Megatron and Starscream who would let him live as their pet if he gave up the cube. However Sam follows the motivation of “No Sacrifice, No Victory” and refuses right before Optimus saves him from falling. Then in Revenge of the Fallen, he was determined in his quest for finding the Matrix of Leadership to save the planet including Optimus' life even after it was turned to dust he still believed it would work and placed it in a sock to then pursue into getting to him. Then after being blasted by Megatron, Sam was in a vision of the Primes who informed him that the Matrix wasn’t to be found but earned and that his sacrifice was the key in activating it and came back to life to successfully restore Optimus. In Dark of the Moon, he displayed great feats of bravery to help out his allies against the invasion and save his girlfriend Carly despite presuming the Autobots were dead until they finally arrived to declare battle.
  • Alien Weapon Proficiency: In the Transformers trilogy, he was proficiently skilled in using weapons made from Cybertronian technology for combat against the Decepticons. In the first film, when ordered by Optimus to place the AllSpark cube in his chest, he does this process to Megatron successfully killing him temporarily as his body was revived and inferiority weakened due to it after two years. Then in the battle/war in Chicago during the third film, he was given the prototypes of a grapple-glove and boomstick explosives by Wheeljack/Que. Sam aimed the grappling glove at Starscream’s eye causing the already panicked Decepticon to go blind and feel agonizing pain over it as well as increasing his wild flailing as the explosive device's timer ticked down to zero for it was primed, once embedded in his other eye, at which point destroyed the decepticon's head and most of his chest, killing him.
  • Vast Resources: After the previous wars, Sam had large amount of connections to each of his allies who were Military personnel and was capable of planning together strategies and tactics in attempts to stop the Decepticons and their human assets.


  • Flare: During the first Transformers film, He was handed a emergency flare by Lennox, who ordered Sam to get to the roof of the building which he ignited for the helicopter pilote to pickup the cube.
  • AllSpark Cube/Shard: Sam was also given the Allspark cube to protect from the Decepticons and merged it to Megatron’s spark which fragmented it into shards. Two years later in Revenge of the Fallen, he used the last piece of the shard to resurrect Jetfire for help against the war.
  • Matrix of Leadership: In Revenge of the Fallen, he located the tomb of the Primes and found the Matrix which was briefly turned to dust until later it emerged back together for him to bring Optimus to life.
  • Cybertronian Grapple-Glove: In Transformers; Dark of the Moon, Sam primary used this gadget to fire a small razor sharp harpooned dart with a length of high tension wire attached to it allowing it to be used for climbing.
  • Cybertronian Boomstick Explosive: Sam secondary wielded Cybertronian explosives for weaponry against enemies. It is a spear like weapon: when activated, a spear point shoots out and is stabbed into the enemy. Before the boomstick detonates in thirty seconds and destroys whatever its impaled into.

Killed Victims[]


While Sam might seem insignificant at first glance, his big heart ends up playing a significant role in the cosmic battle between good and evil. He’s also sarcastic, brave, charming, funny, and very lucky, since he gets to “play” with what amount to the world’s coolest toys – of course, not counting the Transformers actively trying to destroy humanity.




  • Despite being the main character Sam's presence is met with mixed reactions from critics and fans alike.
  • The Transformers producers Robert Orci and Alex Kurtzmen described Sam as the 2007 Marty McFly on crack.
  • Sam's surname Witwicky is taken from the main human character in Transformers: Generation 1 Spike Witwicky.
  • Sam is currently the only human who has killed a primary villain.
  • A running gag in the original trilogy, most characters mispronounce his last name.
  • Another running gag is Sam's habit of screaming like a girl.
  • Sam has killed two high ranking Decepticons. First was Megatron, until he was ressurected, and second was Starscream.
  • Despite being the main character for the first 3 film's Sam was neither seen or mentioned in Age of Extinction.
  • However, his Ebay profile picture from the ladiesman217 account is seen in The Last Knight inside Castle Folgan's hall of Witwiccan pictures and memorabilia, which was the residence of the self-proclaimed last Witwiccan Sir Edmund Burton. It is unknown if he is alive or dead by the time of these events.
Sam Witwicky (2024)
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