Excellence Crème Coloração permanent-hair-color-7-blonde | L'Oréal Paris (2024)

  • Excellence Crème Coloração permanent-hair-color-7-blonde | L'Oréal Paris (1)
  • Excellence Crème Coloração permanent-hair-color-7-blonde | L'Oréal Paris (2)

Hair feels stronger and looks visibly conditioned. A permanent colour for a natural result !

  • Excellence Crème Coloração permanent-hair-color-7-blonde | L'Oréal Paris (3)

    Queres Mudar A Cor De Cabelo Mas Tens Medo De Estragar?

  • Excellence Crème Coloração permanent-hair-color-7-blonde | L'Oréal Paris (4)

    Simulador de Cor de Cabelo Virtual

  • Excellence Crème Coloração permanent-hair-color-7-blonde | L'Oréal Paris (5)

    Como clarear o cabelo gradualmente

  • Excellence Crème Coloração permanent-hair-color-7-blonde | L'Oréal Paris (6)

    Porque é que o shampoo roxo é ideal para cabelo com madeixas?

  • Excellence Crème Coloração permanent-hair-color-7-blonde | L'Oréal Paris (7)

    Como evitar o tom amarelo no cabelo louro?

  • Excellence Crème Coloração permanent-hair-color-7-blonde | L'Oréal Paris (8)

    Os nossos maiores erros na rotina capilar

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A tentação de ocupar parágrafos inteiros com os mais entusiasmados adjetivos é grande. Quem já experimentou ficou fã!Se ainda não fazes parte deste clube privilegiado, aqui ficam cinco argumentos absolutamente indispensáveis . Estás a espera de quê? #tiraosmedosdacabeça!" } }, { "@type":"ListItem", "position": 2, "url" : "https://www.lorealparis.pt/experiencia-de-coloracao-virtual", "item":{ "@type": "Article", "mainEntityOfPage":{ "@type":"WebPage" }, "headline":"Experiencia de coloracao virtual", "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "url":"https://www.lorealparis.pt/-/media/project/loreal/brand-sites/oap/emea/pt/homepage/pruebalo-en-directo-home-2_new.jpg?rev=19ab0f5cbf7740b490574f826ab7edc0", "height":600, "width":2000 }, "datePublished": "2023-05-11T10:28:06+00:00", "dateModified": "2023-11-20T16:43:19+00:00", "author": { "@type": "Brand", "name": "L'Oréal Paris" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"Organization", "name":"L'Oréal Paris", "logo":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "url":"https://www.lorealparis.pt/-/media/project/loreal/brand-sites/oap/shared/baseline/navigationext/loreal-paris-black-logo.svg?rev=82603eab7d384a448c089636afd40445", "width":189, "height":60 } }, "description":"Com dúvidas sobre qual deverá ser a sua próxima cor de cabelo, experimente aqui live como vai ficar! A nossa ferramenta interativa de realidade aumentada é a forma mais rápida, fácil e divertida de experimentar o seu próximo tom de cabelo. Em tempo real ou através do carregamento de uma foto consegue aplicar uma das nossas opções de coloração de cabelo virtualmente.Experimentar um novo look é agora mais divertido e fácil do que nunca, e sem compromisso. Do que está à espera? Comece a fazer experiências e descubra o seu próximo look." } }, { "@type":"ListItem", "position": 3, "url" : "https://www.lorealparis.pt/como-clarear-o-cabelo-gradualmente", "item":{ "@type": "Article", "mainEntityOfPage":{ "@type":"WebPage" }, "headline":"Como clarear o cabelo gradualmente", "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "url":"https://www.lorealparis.pt/-/media/project/loreal/brand-sites/oap/emea/pt/articles/hair/dream-long/coloracao-o-teu-cabelo-tem-um-lugar-ao-sol-coloracao-238-2507.jpg?rev=182cbee34a7546339f6fe0b325b08e1a", "height":440, "width":790 }, "datePublished": "2023-10-09T11:46:17+00:00", "dateModified": "2023-10-09T11:47:02+00:00", "author": { "@type": "Brand", "name": "L'Oréal Paris" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"Organization", "name":"L'Oréal Paris", "logo":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "url":"https://www.lorealparis.pt/-/media/project/loreal/brand-sites/oap/shared/baseline/navigationext/loreal-paris-black-logo.svg?rev=82603eab7d384a448c089636afd40445", "width":189, "height":60 } }, "description":"Acabou mais um dia de praia. Guardas a toalha, calças os chinelos e estás pronta para voltar a casa. Quando passas pelo espelho, olhas para o teu cabelo e encontras os seus diferentes tons dourados e luminosos. Uma cor tão espontânea e sem esforço. Uma cor “tão verão”." } }, { "@type":"ListItem", "position": 4, "url" : "https://www.lorealparis.pt/porque-e-que-o-shampoo-roxo-e-ideal-para-cabelo-com-madeixas", "item":{ "@type": "Article", "mainEntityOfPage":{ "@type":"WebPage" }, "headline":"porque-e-que o-shampoo-roxo-e-ideal para-cabelo com-madeixas", "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "url":"https://www.lorealparis.pt/-/media/project/loreal/brand-sites/oap/emea/pt/articles/hair/color-vive-violeta/helen_color_vive_purple-(1).jpg?rev=1b7e55ee9b2d41019d234dd4844152fa", "height":1987, "width":1490 }, "datePublished": "2021-09-01T17:17:38+00:00", "dateModified": "2022-01-06T17:01:33+00:00", "author": { "@type": "Brand", "name": "L'Oréal Paris" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"Organization", "name":"L'Oréal Paris", "logo":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "url":"https://www.lorealparis.pt/-/media/project/loreal/brand-sites/oap/shared/baseline/navigationext/loreal-paris-black-logo.svg?rev=82603eab7d384a448c089636afd40445", "width":189, "height":60 } }, "description":"Tem o cabelo castanho e acabou de fazer madeixas? Fantástico! Madeixas de tom dourado, platinado, acobreado, castanho claro são perfeitas para iluminar e realçar naturalmente os castanhos escuros ou claros. Problema: as madeixas podem também desgastar o cabelo, tornando-o seco e alaranjado, mas não se preocupe, pode evitar que isto aconteça e nós explicamos como. " } }, { "@type":"ListItem", "position": 5, "url" : "https://www.lorealparis.pt/como-evitar-o-tom-amarelo-no-cabelo-louro", "item":{ "@type": "Article", "mainEntityOfPage":{ "@type":"WebPage" }, "headline":"como-evitar-o-tom-amarelo-no-cabelo-louro", "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "url":"https://www.lorealparis.pt/-/media/project/loreal/brand-sites/oap/emea/pt/articles/hair/color-vive-violeta/header.jpg?rev=7cbc7b5f5e0a4b1eaf8549e67ee6a83c", "height":1125, "width":849 }, "datePublished": "2021-04-05T21:03:48+00:00", "dateModified": "2022-01-06T17:07:24+00:00", "author": { "@type": "Brand", "name": "L'Oréal Paris" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"Organization", "name":"L'Oréal Paris", "logo":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "url":"https://www.lorealparis.pt/-/media/project/loreal/brand-sites/oap/shared/baseline/navigationext/loreal-paris-black-logo.svg?rev=82603eab7d384a448c089636afd40445", "width":189, "height":60 } }, "description":"Sonha em ter um cabelo louro, mas receia o amarelecimento da cor? Para manter o seu tom de cabelo louro sempre perfeito, siga as nossas dicas. 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Crème permanent-hair-color-7-blonde

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Excellence Crème Coloração permanent-hair-color-7-blonde | L'Oréal Paris (2024)


Is Loreal Excellence being discontinued? ›

The complete line of the Excellence Age Perfect has been discontinued. It is no longer being manufactured.

How do you use L Oreal Excellence Creme hair color? ›

1) Add the L'Oréal Paris Excellence Crème colouring cream to the developer and shake well to mix. 2) Apply the mix to your hair, starting from the roots then throughout the lengths and ends. Leave in hair for 30 mins. 3) Rinse your hair until the water runs clear.

How long does L Oreal Paris Excellence Creme hair dye last? ›

L'Oreal Paris Excellence Creme Permanent Triple Care Hair Color, 4RM Dark Mahogany Red, Gray Coverage For Up to 8 Weeks, All Hair Types, Pack of 1.

Is Loreal Excellence a permanent hair dye? ›

3.5 out of 5 stars, average rating value. Read 1130 Reviews.

Is Loreal Excellence good? ›

This product not only has a gentle hair color formula but its shampoo and conditioner are just as reliable. One key to an evenly perfected outcome is the comb applicator that is used on the bottle applicator. With this, I'm getting an even color throughout every time. Love, love, love it!

Does Loreal Excellence Creme cover GREY hair? ›

The L'Oréal Excellence Crème is enriched with a Pro-Keratin formula that ensures up to 100% grey coverage, leaving hair feeling stronger and nourished.

How long should I leave Loreal hair dye in my hair? ›

Next, wearing the enclosed gloves, apply the L'Oréal Paris Colorista Semi-Permanent Hair Color onto desired areas as directed in the instruction sheet. Leave the dye to sit for about 15 to 30 minutes, and then rinse out and style as usual.

How do you wash your hair after Loreal hair color? ›

Post-Hair Coloring Tips
  1. Wash your hair less often. After you dye your hair, wait two days before shampooing. ...
  2. When you shower, use a sulfate-free shampoo. ...
  3. Dry your hair immediately after showering. ...
  4. Deep condition your hair. ...
  5. Use less heat. ...
  6. Use color conditioners or purple shampoo for high maintenance colors.

Does 7.1 cover GREY? ›

Our revolutionary Ammonia Free Hair Colour range boasts 100% grey coverage, is formulated with Keratin for hair strength & protection and is enriched with 5 essential oils: Argan Oil, Sunflower Oil, Green Tea Oil, Cammelia Oil & Almond Oil. Get 3x colours for $45!

What happens if you leave Loreal hair dye on too long? ›

"If you leave your color on for too long, there is potential for extra deposit of pigment to occur. You can't make your hair too light by leaving a tint color on too long (unless you're bleaching), but it can make your hair darker than intended," says Tardo.

Does Loreal Excellence have ammonia in it? ›

L'Oréal Paris Excellence Crème is an ammonia free hair colour, which is made with a triple care formula that protects, strengthens, and replenishes your hair. The L'Oréal Paris Excellence Crème hair colour pack comes with a serum, colouring crème, developer, and conditioner.

Does Excellence Creme have ammonia? ›

We're proud to present our Excellence Crème range of permanent hair dye. All our formulas are ammonia-free, meaning you get all the joy of a new 'do without any of the hassle that ammonia can cause.

How long do you apply Loreal Excellence? ›

1) Add the colouring cream to the developer and shake well to mix. 2) Apply the mix to your hair, starting from the roots then throughout the lengths and ends. Leave in hair for 30 mins. 3) Rinse your hair until the water runs clear.

Which is better Loreal Excellence or Preference? ›

Excellence is a crème color that provides 100% gray coverage. Preference is a liquid gel color that provides fade-defying, luminous color for up to 8 weeks. For multi-dimensional, salon-inspired results, we recommend using Preference.

Is L Oreal Paris Excellence Creme permanent? ›

Excellence Crème by L'Oréal Paris is a permanent hair dye that provides a rich and long lasting hair colour performance, up to 100% grey hair coverage.

What is the difference between Loreal preference and excellence? ›

For multi-dimensional, salon-inspired results, use Preference. Excellence is a crème color that provides 100% gray coverage. To cover resistant grays, use Excellence.

Is Loreal in a lawsuit? ›

The First Hair Relaxer Lawsuit Naming L'Oreal as a Defendant Was Filed in October 2022. The first lawsuit filed with L'Oreal as a hair relaxer defendant occurred in October 2022, just days after the release of the National Institute of Health study.

What is the most valuable Loreal brand? ›

L'Oréal is the world's most valuable cosmetics brand, valued at $12 billion, according to Brand Finance Cosmetics. L'Oréal, whose brand value went up 7% to $12 billion, reigns supreme as the overall winner in the Brand Finance Cosmetics 50 ranking.

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Author: Madonna Wisozk

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Views: 6105

Rating: 4.8 / 5 (48 voted)

Reviews: 87% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

Address: 656 Gerhold Summit, Sidneyberg, FL 78179-2512

Phone: +6742282696652

Job: Customer Banking Liaison

Hobby: Flower arranging, Yo-yoing, Tai chi, Rowing, Macrame, Urban exploration, Knife making

Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.